Thursday, January 6, 2011

Unproductive Day

Today was just a day where I did absolutely nothing but eat and lie down and be in front of my laptop. The ultimate sloth. It's amazing how my metabolism has not given up on me and that I somehow manage to stay stick thin -- which is not by choice, BTW. But on the bright side, I got to blog again. Yay! Happy new year! I'm sure most of you have your new year's resolutions for this year. I've actually desecrated 2 resolutions today. Wait, make that 3.

Anyway, here are mine:

1. Drink more water. I find this hard to do especially when I'm at work. I just never get to find the time to just drink. SO, every time I'm in the "nourishment" room, I will make sure to try and drink a cup of water or two. 
2. Update this blog as much as I can. I am a little behind, but I give my self a pat on the back for the effort :D
3. Try to read more and stay current. I also plan to go back to school by September. 
4. Move. Stay active.
5. Be nicer. Sometimes (yes, sometimes hehe) I let my hormones get the best of me and I just snap at someone like a crazy person. I really want to be a more calm and collected person this year and hopefully throughout. 
6. New hairstyle. I don't know why but I always fuss about my hair every new year. I'm thinking of getting it cut really short but then again I want to braid it. Maybe I should just shave my head and get a wig. Hmm....
7. Save up. 
8. Be more organized.
9. Last but not least, to be on time. I live like 5 minutes away from my work but somehow I always end up being 5 minutes late.

Well, wish me luck! 

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