Friday, December 17, 2010

The Results Are In

Bommmmmm. And so the day finally came and I was able to find out what food I was sensitive to. By the way, as with any test, this test is 94% accurate, so it has room for error. The test results look like the example chart below. Green means you're not sensitive to the food. Yellow means you're moderately reacting to it, And red means stay away from it. Stay away!

I have already deduced some of the results beforehand to be reactive like citrus, dairy, soy etc. My gut feelings were on the ball with those but I was surprised to find out what other food I was sensitive to. Pistachios, mango, rice, watermelon, tea, yeast, pork, garlic, onion, mint, oat, ... T_T ohohoh and the list goes on! I'm also allergic to dyes, which explains a lot why I get hives and breakouts whenever I take medications or just plain vitamins.  

When I got home, I looked at our pantry, my toiletries, and I was shocked. Everything I was using, I was reactive to. I had to throw out my dental floss, my mouthwash, my lotions. I did not want to eat anything. I guess you could say I got a little paranoid. Hahaha. I had to start the LEAP program earlier than planned.... 


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