Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Today I got my invisaligns :) Yay! They made me try them out and see if they fit right and made adjustments as needed. The plan is to wear them for 1 and 1/2 year to two years, and to wear retainers after. I'm really excited to get my teeth straightened out. 

They gave me the first two trays, and after a month I will come back and have some bumps or wells attached. At first I was having a hard time talking but I got used to it after a few hours. It just feels a little weird though, like my teeth became thicker or something. They also feel tight, but that's how they're supposed to be. The technician said it will get tighter and tighter as I advance trays. 

The package came with two invisalign cases, one to store the old one in and one for the new one. The technician told me I had to remove the tray everytime I ate and to brush my teeth and clean out the trays after every meal. I can't remove the invisalign for more than two hours and it has to stay on for at least 22 hours. I am constantly eating so I have a little problem with that ^_^'. She also told me a good way to clean the trays is to add a little vinegar with water. 


I know the picture is not so clear, but you can barely tell I have braces on and I love it! :) 

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