I hate eye drops, or anything that involves putting something in my eyes for that matter x_x
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Jiminy Crickets
I don't know why but whenever I go to work I always see crickets inside the building. I guess they want to get cooled off too n__n
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Picture of the day: The white fluff on the big truck is cotton that they're starting to harvest. We were wondering when they would come and that day finally came :)
Not Too Hot, Not Too Cold, All You Need Is A Light Sweater
Today was a good day to go around and run some errands. I never like going out when it's hot unless I really have to (hence the paleness), but it was not that hot at all.
Fall is just around the corner, and I can't wait!
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Doggy Sunbathing
Honey was enjoying the summer heat. She would lay on the grass and sunbathe. She was so cute, I just had to take a picture with her :)
And oh yeah, it's tax free weekend here in Texas, so it's a good time to go shopping for back to school stuff like clothes and school supplies. Removing the tax from items doesn't really have that much impact on your savings but most stores add extra 20 percent off or other promos so it's a good deal.
I bought the "jeggings" that i'm wearing now at old navy for 5 dollars (originally like 12 dollars or more). I'm not much of a leggings person but these jeggings are so comfortable. I just wear longer tops to hide any "camel toe" (teehee).
Saturday, August 21, 2010
When we moved to Kyle, it was surprising to see that there were more trees than houses. We live nearby a field full of cotton and it was just so pretty. Growing up in the city, I did not have the chance to see these sorts of things. We had to go down and take a picture. Sorry for the pixelated picture ^_^ It's amazing how these plants get turned into useful household items and fabric that we love wearing. Go cotton!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Have A Pie
Today we went around our humble town area in Kyle. It's a very small town but it has its charm. One of the places where my family frequents is Texas Pie.
I love seeing that giant pie on the outside of the restaurant. Although it was super hot so we were squinting while taking pictures.
I'm not much of a pie person but their pecan pie was pretty good :)
Why Did The Chickens Cross The Road?
Pictures of the day: Chickens! They were crossing the street like they were strolling in the park. It was so funny. I had to wait for them for a while before I could drive by. What a way to start the day :)
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Snacking on: Chia Bread And Tofu Cream Cheese
Me and my sister went to whole foods to look around for healthy stuff to eat. I saw this interesting elvis candy and couldn't help but take a picture of it :)
We bought some chia bread (yum!) and snacked it with tofu cream cheese. Yeah, I know, there is no substitute for the real cheesy creamy dairy cream cheese, but this wasn't bad at all :)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
T'was me birthday a week ago, but had no time to post about it. I'm old-er. Woo-hoo... I think I can feel my back giving out. Pretty soon my dinner will consist of apple sauce and pills. But for now, let us celebrate with an age old tradition of blowing candles on a birthday cake! Cheers!
Up, Up, And Away
Friday, August 13, 2010
Today, I wore a pretty interesting skirt. This skirt is, or rather, was a sarong. A sarong is a long tube skirt that is worn by either men or women as kilts or skirts. It came from Mindanao, one of the three large island groups in the Philippines. My mom would use it as a beach wrap or as a cover but was about to throw it away, so I salvaged it and asked my grandma to make it into a skirt.
This is a picture of how men from Mindanao would typically wear a sarong.
I just love the details of the skirt. It has such gorgeous patterns. The cloth was well made and is super soft.
You can't see on the first picture but I was also wearing these earrings my friend gave me in high school for my birthday. Those coils are dizzy-ingly cute :)
This is how I think I look like after 1 week of orientation. And yes, I did forget to draw eyebrows! Hahaha :) It's been a while since I wrote something here. I've been a busy, busy bee...
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Invisalign: Day 2
It's the second day, and I must say, this thing hurts like a bad movie by umm Michael Bay... (rhyme time) You know when your permanent tooth starts erupting, you feel this moderate discomfort while that happens. But with this it's like all of your teeth are erupting at the same time! No pain no gain I guess. They say the first two weeks are the worst. I hope so, cause I keep getting tempted to remove them. But of course, I have to stick with it if I want my teeth to straighten out. Maybe I should buy a chew toy to help get the tension out or something. Gah!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Today I got my invisaligns :) Yay! They made me try them out and see if they fit right and made adjustments as needed. The plan is to wear them for 1 and 1/2 year to two years, and to wear retainers after. I'm really excited to get my teeth straightened out.

They gave me the first two trays, and after a month I will come back and have some bumps or wells attached. At first I was having a hard time talking but I got used to it after a few hours. It just feels a little weird though, like my teeth became thicker or something. They also feel tight, but that's how they're supposed to be. The technician said it will get tighter and tighter as I advance trays.
The package came with two invisalign cases, one to store the old one in and one for the new one. The technician told me I had to remove the tray everytime I ate and to brush my teeth and clean out the trays after every meal. I can't remove the invisalign for more than two hours and it has to stay on for at least 22 hours. I am constantly eating so I have a little problem with that ^_^'. She also told me a good way to clean the trays is to add a little vinegar with water.
I know the picture is not so clear, but you can barely tell I have braces on and I love it! :)
Unnamed Corgi
Cute picture of the day: it's a cute cute corgi that I wanted to buy, he was so adorable, I had to move so I wasn't able to take care of him :(
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Prickly Pear Cactus For Lunch
Whenever we go to the grocery store, I always pass by this small area where they sell cactus. It wasn't a house plant, but a chopped up ready to cook kind of cactus. Where I come from, we don't eat cactus so I am curious as to what it tastes like. A few days ago, I convinced my sister to buy one to experiment on.
I was searching the net on how to cook cactus, but most of the recipes are like omelets. I didn't really feel like eating omelet cactus. Maybe next time :) I also found a good good news about this prickly pear cactus! It actually has anti inflammatory properties! It has been shown to be good in combating chronic inflammation such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (my mom has RA, but she refuses to try eating cactus). It also helps people with diabetes as it helps lower blood sugar. Acne is another condition that also deals with chronic inflammation, and is also affected by blood sugar problems in the body. And who knows, this plant can actually help acne.
I just decided to stick with a simple meal. Simmered and spiced veggies with some ground turkey.
I'm not a very good photographer, hehe, hopefully it looks appetizing enough to eat :)
I know, the cactus is a little brown, I kind of forgot about the cactus until my sister brought it up. I think the cactus just got oxidized... It's not rotting yet! (I hope) If I get sick, then we all know why haha :)
As for the taste, it wasn't bad. It was kind of like eating okra, where it gets all sticky and sap-like in your mouth so it feels kind of gross, but it was not bad at all. I bet it would taste better if I got to cook it earlier. >:)
Hoorah! I Got My License!
After 5 long months of waiting, I finally got my license! It truly was and is a humbling experience. I've learned a lot by not being able to practice as a nurse. Yes, I will be able to learn more as a nurse, but there are certain things that you don't see when you start out in a higher position. You can definitely see and compare how a good nurse acts, and how others are just lazy slobs who just care about their paychecks. I'm fine with them telling me what to do and cleaning patients up and doing the "dirty" work. It's my job. But what irks me about other nurses is when you're in the middle of something in another room and the nurses still have to call you, the assistant, to give them a glass of water or assist patients to the toilet when they're already in there. Basic nursing care dude. We all learned how to do it in nursing school.
You can also see how people act towards you, if they don't know you're a nurse, and if they know you're a nurse. Sometimes, they might not say it outright, but you can feel them look down on you when you don't have a degree. And it hurts because you know you are as capable as they are. You just can't practice your profession. One of my coworkers told me she "respects" me more when she found out I was a nurse. That's pure BS. I try to avoid her as much as I can when we work at the same day.
And so I take these learnings with me and hope to be a better nurse. I got my license! Oh yeah!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Ten Business Days
Today is supposedly the 8th day of processing of my license. It takes 10 business days from the time the Board of Nursing receives it. I should be happy that it is finally going to be here. But right now, I'm just partly afraid and just partly angry. Afraid because this is not the first time that the board told me about the ten business days thing only to find out they want MORE requirements. Angry, because ten days just seem soooo long. They've had my papers for forever and it still takes ten days for them to process... How nice!!
Cuppy Cakes
Cute picture of the day: It's a picture of a scrumptious cupcake from Hans and Harry bakeshop. I took this picture before I left San Diego. *sniff* it's so beautiful :)
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