Monday, July 12, 2010


I am at work today, and they have me sitting. A sitter is usually required when patients are violent, suicidal, demented and tend to pull out IV's or foleys or try to get up by themselves but can't and so they end up falling. So today, that is what I do. I sit. I am thankful that they have me sitting today since I have been experiencing massive stress when I am on the floor dealing with 10-15 patients, call lights going off, and everyone wanting you at the same time. I am a registered nurse, but I am not licensed here in Texas, so while waiting for my license to materialize (complicated stuff going on), I am a nurse's aide. Although it ain't so bad, It just gets really stressful, and I can't really do anything without telling the nurse, even if I know what to do. Of course, pride is also involved, but I had to swallow it like a huge, dry pill and wait patiently.

I was expecting my patient to be somewhat unruly, but I got the opposite. This guy is just sleeping. Well, I guess I will find out why he needs a sitter when he starts waking up. But for now, I am bored as heck. I found this cloth tape on the table and started playing with it. I must warn you, keep office or medical supplies away from me when I am bored. I will use it by any means to craft something for my amusement!

cloth tape ravioli anyone?

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