Monday, January 24, 2011

LEAP Phase 1 Day 1-7 Part 1

On the first phase, they started me off with a few food selections to go by. The first phase lasted for seven days. You can get really creative and cook your food however you like but you can't have any other ingredient that is not on the list. I am not a chef so I do apologize if the pictures aren't too appetizing. ;p

This was what I had to begin with.


This was my main source of protein for that week.

Nutrition facts about chicken:
Chicken meat contains about 150 calories per 100 grams.
Chicken is low in carbohydrate, low in fat with a moderate protein content.
Chicken contains all the B Vitamins, especially B3, but only trace amounts of B12.


The chicken of the sea. I like tuna but didn't really use a lot of it cause it is too expensive for my budget. But I like seared tuna with some vegetables as seen on the picture. 

Fun facts about tuna:
A diet rich in fish that are high in omega-3 fatty acids, like canned tuna, can curb or prevent cognitive decline, dementia, depression, neuropsychiatric disorders, asthma and inflammatory disorders.


Cassava or yucca or kamoteng kahoy (in tagalog), makes a really healthy snack. I like making cassava fries or chips and adding sea salt. The starch is made into tapioca flour, which I use to replace cornstarch with. 
Nutrition facts:

Cassava is Low in Saturated Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium
High in Vitamin C and Manganese


Pronounced as keen-wa, it is a high protein seed that is used as a grain. The plant was cultivated by the Inca Indians, and used in religious ceremonies for centuries in South America.
This was my rice replacement. I grew up eating rice, and at first it was really hard but I got used to not eating rice after a while. Quinoa has to be soaked in water at least 15 minutes because it has this bitter taste if you don't. 
Quinoa has many nutrients, and is recognized widely as a good source of complete protein as well as magnesium, Vitamin B6, Vitamin E, dietary fiber, phosphorus, iron, copper, zinc, and manganese. 


We got the beet! Yeah, yeah, corny I know haha. I've never tried beets before I went on this program, but roasted beets aren't half bad. 
Nutrition facts:
Beets are loaded with vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. They are also an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium and iron.While the sweet beet root has some of the minerals in its greens to a lesser degree, it is also a remarkable source of choline, folic acid, iodine, manganese, organic sodium, potassium, fiber and carbohydrates in the form of natural digestible sugars. This renders it highly effective in treating many ailments caused by our toxic environment and surrounding.

Using all parts of the kill, the stem and leaves can also be mixed with stir fry dishes and soups.


Broccoli is probably one of my favorite veggies. They are very easy to cook. You can just steam or boil them for a few minutes and voila, you have something to munch on. 

It is loaded with antioxidants and protective phytochemicals. Broccoli can prevent some types of cancer. It also contains generous amounts of folic acid, which may prevent some birth defects and be beneficial in warding off heart disease, strokes and some cancers. Broccoli also contains some of the highest levels of vitamins A and C of any food.


Ahh, avocados. Love 'em. I was so glad I was not reacting to avocados since I was already sensitive to mangoes, peaches and pears. They are just so good, even without adding sugar or milk. 
Fun fact:
Avocados have over 20 vitamins and minerals and therefore considered to be one of the world’s most healthiest foods. An avocado has 60% more potassium than a banana on a  per ounce basis.  Avocados also have the most protein of any fruit.


I didn't have any cabbage pictures available, sorry about that :D
I'm not really that much into cabbages but I like mixing them in soups and stir fries as well. I also made chicken cabbage wraps a few days ago. I should really take pictures. 

Next is part two of phase 1      ^___^

cabbage patch logo

Friday, January 21, 2011

Dog Day

Cute picture of the day: A bouvier des flandres and a shih tzu came by at the hospital and brightened everyone's day :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Turtle Power!


It is super cold outside and I just randomly thought of taking pictures while wearing a turtleneck shirt! Cause I'm insane! Keep warm! And yes, I know the first picture is creepy ^_^.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Unproductive Day

Today was just a day where I did absolutely nothing but eat and lie down and be in front of my laptop. The ultimate sloth. It's amazing how my metabolism has not given up on me and that I somehow manage to stay stick thin -- which is not by choice, BTW. But on the bright side, I got to blog again. Yay! Happy new year! I'm sure most of you have your new year's resolutions for this year. I've actually desecrated 2 resolutions today. Wait, make that 3.

Anyway, here are mine:

1. Drink more water. I find this hard to do especially when I'm at work. I just never get to find the time to just drink. SO, every time I'm in the "nourishment" room, I will make sure to try and drink a cup of water or two. 
2. Update this blog as much as I can. I am a little behind, but I give my self a pat on the back for the effort :D
3. Try to read more and stay current. I also plan to go back to school by September. 
4. Move. Stay active.
5. Be nicer. Sometimes (yes, sometimes hehe) I let my hormones get the best of me and I just snap at someone like a crazy person. I really want to be a more calm and collected person this year and hopefully throughout. 
6. New hairstyle. I don't know why but I always fuss about my hair every new year. I'm thinking of getting it cut really short but then again I want to braid it. Maybe I should just shave my head and get a wig. Hmm....
7. Save up. 
8. Be more organized.
9. Last but not least, to be on time. I live like 5 minutes away from my work but somehow I always end up being 5 minutes late.

Well, wish me luck!